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Five Tips for Better Sleep During a Heatwave

Photo by Rachel Claire While most of us are thoroughly enjoying the uncommonly warm weather that we’re being blessed with, here in the UK, there’s no denying the fact that it’s making sleep more elusive. Air conditioned houses aren’t hugely common on our temperate shores, which means that we’ve all …

How to find self-compassion for you

Have you ever noticed that you are way too harsh on yourself? That you are worried about what other people think about you? You’re afraid of doing something wrong? Letting others down? Always trying to be perfect, but end up feeling like a failure? We think it’s time for this …

Kick social anxiety to the curb

If you are feeling shyer than normal, want to avoid crowds and even a meeting at work feels too much, it could be that social anxiety is getting the better of you. We know it is rotten and can make life tough, so we have had a look at how …

How to eat to boost your mood

The pressure of work, together with balancing the demands of family and friends, is very much a reality of modern-day life. People often say they are feeling stressed and anxious because things just feel too much and they aren’t sure which way to turn next. As well as speaking to …

Keep calm, it’s only Christmas

Say ‘Christmas’ to a friend and you either get a smile or a look of sheer horror, depending on how organised they are, and what they have left to do before the big day. Let’s face it, Christmas is meant to be fun, not a big ball of cash strapped …

Keep your immune system strong

Before the party season gets underway, why not take a look at how you can boost your immune system so you can keep healthy as you burn the candle both ends this December. If you make a conscious effort to look after yourself you will be at an advantage when …

Breaking up and moving on

However you look at them, break-ups are tough, emotional and draining but they don’t have to break you. We know you have heard the clichés and we know it might not seem like it now but a break up can be made less painful, and here’s how. Accept your feelings …

Get a hobby that will chill you out

Long days, busy nights and a flow of information coming at you 24/7, can make life pretty stressful and even lead to depression, anxiety and insomnia. While we know you have to pay the bills, and keep family and friends happy, it is also important to look after you. So, …

Walk your way to health in May

With so many of us walking far less than any previous generations, we sometimes need reminding that walking doesn’t just get you from A to B but it can also reduce your risk of disease, improve your physical and mental health, help the environment and boost your social life too. …

Walk your way to fitness

With temperatures on the rise, evenings drawing out and flowers in bloom, many of us are feeling more inclined to get outside and get rid of that winter excess and lethargy. While many think that fitness can only be improved with pounding the pavements and intense sessions at the gym, …