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Five of the Best Skincare Products to Soothe Your Irritated Skin

Photo by Jenna Hamra Let’s talk about a common skincare woe we all face: irritation. Whether it’s from the environment, sensitivity, or maybe some not-so-kind skincare products, dealing with irritated skin can be a real hassle. But fear not! There’s a whole world of skincare goodies out there ready to …

Vital vitamins for vegans

With more and more people turning to a plant-based diet, it is key to note that excluding food groups can lead to health problems due to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, but it doesn’t have to be that way. A vegan diet has many health benefits as it is low …

Don’t let moths ruin your clothes

Let’s face it, most of us have gone to get a favourite item of clothing out of the wardrobe only to find it has been chewed by MOTHS! Moths breed all year, but do their most damage between June and October and holes are the result of eggs and larvae …

How to keep your hair under control this summer

Summer is here and while you’re ready for parties and fun, quite often your hair will misbehave and let you down. Frizz, limpness and greasy locks can all be a seasonal nightmare, but we have some easy fixes that will let you take back control of your hair so you …

Keep calm, it’s only Christmas

Say ‘Christmas’ to a friend and you either get a smile or a look of sheer horror, depending on how organised they are, and what they have left to do before the big day. Let’s face it, Christmas is meant to be fun, not a big ball of cash strapped …

Make vegan food swaps the delicious way

With more and more people turning to a plant-based diet and lifestyle, we have had a look at some easy swaps that you can make which will make you feel good and help the environment too. Nut butter not real butter Nut butters are full of much-needed fibre and protein …

Walk your way to health in May

With so many of us walking far less than any previous generations, we sometimes need reminding that walking doesn’t just get you from A to B but it can also reduce your risk of disease, improve your physical and mental health, help the environment and boost your social life too. …

Skincare for City Dwellers

If you live or work in or around a major city, you’re probably all too aware of the effects that pollution can have if you’re breathing it in all day long. What you may not be aware of, though, is the effect that daily pollution can have on your skin. …