Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

Feed Your Skin and Hair: The Ultimate Nourishment Guide

Photo by Beyzanur K. Achieving radiant skin and healthy hair starts with providing them the nourishment they deserve. Just like your body thrives on a balanced diet, your skin and hair need the right products to stay hydrated, strong, and vibrant. In this guide, we explore the ultimate products designed …

Vital vitamins for vegans

With more and more people turning to a plant-based diet, it is key to note that excluding food groups can lead to health problems due to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, but it doesn’t have to be that way. A vegan diet has many health benefits as it is low …

How to wear your make-up well this winter

It might be cold and wet in January and February, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to look our best in the draining winter months. From the elements outside, to the endless layers of clothing, central heating and public transport sweating, it’s no wonder that our make-up melts faster …

How look after your houseplants this winter

As well as looking pretty and bringing the outside, inside, houseplants can help improve air quality by trapping pollutants which means we can breathe more easily. However, just as you look after yourself when the winter sets in, you need to do the same for your plants, or they won’t …

Drink herbal teas to keep the bloat away

Our bodies are brilliant machines that not only work to keep us alive and safe, but they also alert us when something isn’t right. As we zoom at full speed towards the festive season, there is more temptation than ever to eat rich foods, but these salty snacks and heavy …

Busting the Most Common Retinol Myths

When you hear the word retinol, what does it make you think of? Many people are aware that it’s a common skincare ingredient, but not many know exactly what it is, or does. You might be surprised to learn that retinol is a form of Vitamin A. Not so scary …

How To Look After Your Nails Between Salon Visits

Visiting a salon to have your nails done feels like a lovely, luxury treat for many of us. However, even if you’re lucky enough to have your nails done by a professional on a regular basis, you still sometimes need to do a little bit of maintenance yourself, between visits. …

Find your fitness this summer

It is never too late to get in shape! Believe us, we have been there. Whether you are starting out, or are already on the road to fitness, why not start a mid-year fitness plan that will help you feel good and look great, today, tomorrow and in the future. …

How to eat to boost your mood

The pressure of work, together with balancing the demands of family and friends, is very much a reality of modern-day life. People often say they are feeling stressed and anxious because things just feel too much and they aren’t sure which way to turn next. As well as speaking to …

Easy immune boosting habits you will love

Without an immune system, your body would be constantly open to attack and you would forever be dealing with colds, viruses and taking time off work to spend days under your duvet trying to get better Boosting your immune system can help ensure you stay well and strong and don’t …