Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

5 Products to Help You to Safely Exfoliate Sensitive Skin

Photo by Chermiti Mohamed Exfoliating sensitive skin requires a delicate balance between effectively removing dead skin cells and avoiding irritation or redness. With the myriad of exfoliating products available on the market, finding the right ones for sensitive skin can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are gentle yet effective …

Pregnancy Skincare Do’s and Don’ts

Image Source Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement and changes, not only to your body but also to your skin. As hormones fluctuate, you might notice differences in your complexion, both positive and challenging. Maintaining healthy skin during pregnancy is essential, but it’s equally crucial to be mindful …

Suitcase Essentials – Getting Ready For Your Hols!

Photo by Rui Silvestre on Unsplash Thanks to certain travel regulations regarding what you’re allowed to take in your suitcase, it often feels like a toss-up between packing the bare essentials and allowing ourselves a little bit of luxury while we’re away. That’s why we’re delighted to tell you that …

Drink herbal teas to keep the bloat away

Our bodies are brilliant machines that not only work to keep us alive and safe, but they also alert us when something isn’t right. As we zoom at full speed towards the festive season, there is more temptation than ever to eat rich foods, but these salty snacks and heavy …

Remember to tan the safe way this summer

When the sun comes out, it’s only natural for us to want to peel back the layers that have kept us warm in the winter and bask in the rays that are flooding down from the skies. While many of know the importance of being safe in the sun but …

How to keep your hair under control this summer

Summer is here and while you’re ready for parties and fun, quite often your hair will misbehave and let you down. Frizz, limpness and greasy locks can all be a seasonal nightmare, but we have some easy fixes that will let you take back control of your hair so you …

How to dress with confidence

We all want to look, and feel, good, but being able to stand in front of the mirror and smile at what we see, can be hard. Self-love isn’t always easy, and there are times when insecurity casts a shadow on our days, but we have looked at ways that …

Make 2019 the year for you

Here we are once again seeing in a new year, 2019 is upon us. This can be a great time to reflect on the past, celebrate successes and plan for the future. While you can list a number of resolutions in that shiny unicorn journal you received from your Secret …

Happy Holiday Hacks

You have been waiting to get away from it ever since you sat at your desk in January, so if you want to make the most out of your summer holiday, we have some happy holiday hacks that we hope will ensure everything is smooth sailing. Passport Sounds so obvious …

Summer beauty tricks

We don’t know about you, but as much as we love summer, it can be a pretty high-maintenance season when it comes to keeping your beauty game on track. Beach breaks, pretty dresses and longer nights are all great, but add in fading hair colour, foundation build up, sweat, breakouts …