Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

Anti-Ageing Skincare: When to Start and What to Use

Photo by Felicity Tai Ageing is an inevitable part of life, but there are plenty of things that we can do to delay the process. Anti-ageing skincare can help to delay the visible signs of ageing and maintain a youthful complexion. But when should you start using anti-ageing products, and …

Five Things You Can Do Which Could Completely Change Your Skin

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash Our skin is a reflection of our overall health and well-being. If you’ve been longing for radiant, healthy skin, there are several lifestyle changes you can incorporate to make a transformative impact. From simple habits to mindful choices, here are five things you …

Hair Care After a Summer Holiday: Restoring and Nourishing Your Tresses

Photo by Camille Brodard on Unsplash After enjoying a blissful summer holiday, your hair may have been exposed to various factors that can leave it dry, damaged, and lacking lustre. But don’t worry! We’ve curated a list of  essential tips and tricks to effectively care for your hair post-holiday. Get …

Five Products with Sustainable Ingredients

Photo by Akil  Mazumder Back in March, we shared a list of five of our favourite sustainable beauty and self care accessories, which contained everything from reusable make-up removing pads to bamboo cotton buds. Today, we’re going one step further and bringing you a list of five beauty products which …

Easy immune boosting habits you will love

Without an immune system, your body would be constantly open to attack and you would forever be dealing with colds, viruses and taking time off work to spend days under your duvet trying to get better Boosting your immune system can help ensure you stay well and strong and don’t …

How to get red carpet ready

The award season is well and truly under way and we are constantly seeing Hollywood stars on the red carpet, looking amazing. While you might not have the budget and entourage of an A-lister, we have had a look at how you can look red carpet ready, any time! Be …

Don’t let stress get you down

Family demands, a to-do list as long as your arm, and friends wanting you to go out and party every weekend, makes for a busy, but sometimes stressful life. It is one thing to ensure everyone else is happy, but you need to look after yourself too. You can keep …

Eat spring vegetables and feel great

As well as longer evenings, warmer temperatures and bank holidays, spring is also the time when British vegetables come into their own giving you so much more choice when it comes to cooking. Nothing tastes quite as good as fresh rhubarb and radishes so we have had a look at the …

Make 2018 your best year ever

At the end of every year we look back on the past 12 months and remember the good, the bad and the ugly. 52 weeks is a pretty long-time but it’s gone in the blink of an eye, so why not make the next 365 days really count? We aren’t …

Beat the blues with food

Now the clocks have changed and temperatures are dropping, for some people the seasonal blues start to kick in. As well as getting plenty of sleep, taking exercise and drinking water, it is vital to look at your diet when thinking about mental health over the winter months. If you …