Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

Privacy Policy

Our Responsibilities

As a responsible business we take our responsibilities towards your privacy very seriously. We would therefore like to be very clear about what information we store about you, what we don’t, what we share with third parties and why, and how we handle the security of this information.

Your Personal Information

If you want to browse our website you can do so without the need to provide any personal information. Only when you want to book a treatment with us will you need to provide any personal information.

What do we store?

When you book a treatment with us we need the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Booking details which include:
    • The Treatments you are having with us
    • The Date and Time of the treatments

All of this information is stored on our Secure Server at the salon and is not seen outside of the salon by anyone or provided to any 3rd party for processing or analysis. None of the information that you provide to us can be seen by anyone else.

What do we not store?

We don’t store any further information about you. It’s that simple. All payment or financial information is stored with payment providers who have well established and published security procedures.

How is your information used?

We use your information for two purposes only:

    1. Account Management:

      We use your information to enable us to manage and maintain a good working relationship with our clients. We send Text and Email reminders for appointments and we send a monthly newsletter which can be opted out of at any time.

    2. Payment Processing:

      We do not store nor maintain any records of our customer payment details. All of our transactions are face to face and payments made by card are carried out in the salon with a Card Payment Machine.

    3. Fraud Prevention:

      In order to comply with criminal investigations we will provide, when information is requested correctly by the Police, or through a Court Order, any information that is sought under the authority provided to us.

We never have and we never will provide, free of charge or otherwise, your information to any other third parties for any reasons other than those mentioned above. We will never allow your information to be used for direct marketing of any kind by anyone.

We can provide, upon request, a full report of all of the Personal Data we hold for you in our booking system. Please email and we will gladly assist.

If you are unsure if we hold any of your personal data please email us and we will check for you.


If you want to just browse The Lichfield Beauty Salon website then you don’t need to enable them. What are cookies, what information do they contain and why are they necessary? All of this information is provided below.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer by some web servers. They can contain anything that the website wants to store on your machine. Some unscrupulous sites use what are known as Tracking Cookies which are generally accepted to be Spyware and are for their benefit not yours. Many web sites use cookies as a temporary store of information and use it to improve your browsing experience. Some of these cookies can remain on your machine for a long time. They may expire years into the future.

The Lichfield Beauty Salon uses what is know as a Session Cookie. This is a text file that contains a Session ID which is basically a very long and meaningless code. As soon as you leave our website and shut down your web browser this cookie is no longer used.

What do Cookies contain?

Cookies can be used to store many types of information. Unscrupulous sites store personal information that help them track which sites you have visited and what products (if buying) you have looked at. This enables them to build up a profile of your browsing habits and directly market what they are selling to you. Other sites store temporary information to enable them to operate their sites correctly or improve your browsing experience. None of this information would be able to be used by anyone else.

The Lichfield Beauty Salon only stores the Session ID and nothing else at all.

Why are Cookies necessary?

Cookies help web sites to manage their content and usability. They can help maintain good access speeds to sites and they can improve your experience. They are necessary to most sites. If you have concerns about cookies then download and use a web browser such as Firefox which enables you to allow all sites to store cookies but enables you to choose to remove them all when you shut down. Some other web browsers don’t provide this functionality. Below are links to some free to use browsers including Firefox.

How do we secure your information?

We have a full set of protocols to ensure that we secure all of your information and any information you send to us.

How are the servers secured?

All of the information we hold about you is stored in a secure database on our server at our salon. This information can only be accessed by a member of our team through the booking system. There is no other way for people to access this information. The server is ‘behind’ a firewall which prevents unauthorised access from anyone who would want to try to break into the system. Our salon booking system data is not available to be accessed outside of our salon and is not accessible via the Internet in any way.

How are our systems secured?

Each of the computers we use at our salon are fully protected using Firewalls, Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware software. These are constantly updated and maintained and prevent unauthorised access to the computers by malicious computer users, computer viruses and spyware applications. We also have a robust firewall that stands independently from any computer within the salon at the point our internal network joins the Internet.

All of the staff who will be dealing with your information are required to work within our secure environment and are required to provide authentication at all necessary stages. All rights and permissions are allocated only insofar as is necessary for them to complete their jobs.

Need more information?

If you need any further information email and we’ll be very happy to answer any further questions you may have.