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Vital vitamins for vegans

With more and more people turning to a plant-based diet, it is key to note that excluding food groups can lead to health problems due to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, but it doesn’t have to be that way. A vegan diet has many health benefits as it is low …

Foods to boost your winter heath

Yes, you can have the flu jab, and take supplements, but if you want to keep coughs and colds away this winter, you may want to think about what you eat. The chilly days and dark nights might have you reaching for comforting cakes and sugary chocolate, but what you …

Make vegan food swaps the delicious way

With more and more people turning to a plant-based diet and lifestyle, we have had a look at some easy swaps that you can make which will make you feel good and help the environment too. Nut butter not real butter Nut butters are full of much-needed fibre and protein …

Keep winter germs at bay

As the nights draw in and there’s a distinct nip in the air, we are turning to chunky knits, winter boots and dare we say it, flu jabs. Whether you decide to have the vaccination is your call, but it is really important to keep yourself fit and healthy during …

Easy ways with avocado

Last week we looked at why avocados are so good for you. Packed with many nutrients and vitamins, eating these super-fruits can make your skin glow, hair look glossy and help maintain a healthy weight. This week we are bringing you a number of easy to make, delicious to eat …

Easy ways to eat clean

We are constantly hearing about clean eating in the media but what does it actually mean? Well, it is a pretty simple concept that involves eating whole foods that are as close to nature as possible. It’s about eating more of the healthiest options available and less of the not-so-healthy …