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Skincare for Men: Breaking Down the Basics

Photo by RDNE Stock project In recent years, the stigma surrounding skincare for men has significantly diminished, and more men are embracing the importance of a solid skincare routine. A healthy complexion is not just reserved for the ladies; men deserve to look and feel their best too. If you’re …

Pregnancy Skincare Do’s and Don’ts

Image Source Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement and changes, not only to your body but also to your skin. As hormones fluctuate, you might notice differences in your complexion, both positive and challenging. Maintaining healthy skin during pregnancy is essential, but it’s equally crucial to be mindful …

Three Skincare Routines for Dry and Ageing Skin, Depending on Your Budget

Photo by Radomir Jordanovic As we age, creating a regular skincare routine is more important than ever if you want to keep your skin in the best condition possible and replenish the elements that our skin no longer produces on its own. While we’d all love to spend hundreds of …

Why Does No-One Want Pores Anymore?!

Photo by taylor on Unsplash In an era dominated by filters and airbrushed perfection, the quest for flawlessness has taken an unexpected turn – the obsession with erasing pores. Welcome to a world where unrealistic expectations of skin texture prevail, fueled by the digital age’s distortion of reality! The fact …

Tranexamic Acid – Everything You Need to Know About the Newest Skincare Acid

Photo by Valdemars Magone on Unsplash Tranexamic acid, once primarily known for its medical applications, has taken the skincare world by storm with its remarkable benefits. This powerful ingredient has garnered attention for its ability to address a range of skin concerns and improve overall complexion. From reducing hyperpigmentation and …

Five Body Skin Issues and How to Deal with Them

Photo by Sora Shimazaki The skin is the largest organ in your body, with the average person having over 22 square feet of it! And while most of us focus on the small area of skin on our faces, there are plenty of issues which can besiege the much larger …

Beauty Scrubs – They Aren’t All Bad!

Photo by Gustavo Fring For some time now, there has been a resoundingly negative attitude towards beauty products which describe themselves as “scrubs “. This is largely thanks to certain brands (which will remain nameless) who used harsh physical exfoliants such as crushed up apricot stones to exfoliate the skin. …