We all want to look, and feel, good, but being able to stand in front of the mirror and smile at what we see, can be hard.
Self-love isn’t always easy, and there are times when insecurity casts a shadow on our days, but we have looked at ways that you can dress so you do feel confident, even on the tougher days.
Go with your body
Fashions trends come and go, but not all of them suit all of us, and why would they? If you work with the body you have and start to love it, you will find clothes that bring out the best in you – which is what we are all aiming for.
We don’t all have gazelle model like legs or totally toned abs, but by learning to accept the body you have, you will soon spot clothes that will highlight the bits you love and be more confident as you wear them.
Think outside of the black box
Many of us step into black as it makes us feel safe, but it doesn’t always make us look our best. Depending on your skin tone , hair and eye colour, some shades will make you look fabulous, whereas others will bring you down and make you look pale, even ill.
You can have a consultation with a colour specialist to see what ‘season’ you are, or you can simply find colours that work well for you. Spend some time in a department store and try on clothes in various shades and you will soon see what works.
Red will set some people on fire, but drain others.
Navy can be a show stopper for some of us, but for others it will do nothing at all to set us apart from the crowd.
Orange and yellow offer bright pops of colour if your skin tone is right, but some of us will put it right back on the rack.
See what works for you, start to experiment with a few key pieces and you will find a whole new look in no time.
Find your style
You might not realise it, but we all have our own style.
Dresses with boots and pumps are the ‘go to’ style for many women, but others prefer the convenience of jeans with a cool tee and shiny shoes.
Gym kits aren’t just for the gym, and suits simply work for some of us.
Block colour brings out the best in one woman but the next girl is all about floral frocks and animal prints – even wearing them together.
Wear what works for you, and let others do the same.
Feel comfortable
We aren’t talking about joggers and oversized sweatshirts here, but more about starting the day in clothes that feel good and make you want to go out and shine.
If you head out of the house in a designer dress that looked great on the peg, but is too small for you, it’s not for you.
Skinny jeans might be a worldwide phenomenon, but if they don’t do you any favours, leave them on the shelf and find bootlegs that make you feel fab.
Go for breathable fabrics, lengths that flatter and necklines that you know work for you.
Add lipstick
Now, this is a trick we love. Lipstick can totally pull your whole look together, and gives you a polished look, even if you hopped out of bed and threw on a pair of combats and a simple jumper. Get the right colour for you, then swipe, smile and you are good to go!
Team Pure Beauty
Last updated on 04/06/2019.