Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

Take care of your skin from a young age

You might be baby-faced right now and get asked for ID when you order at the bar, but this won’t last forever and doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of your skin. In fact, quite the opposite. When it comes to skincare, we believe it is never too early to …

Exams need not be stressful

A’ levels, GCSEs and SATs are all being taken at the moment, and if you have children or teenagers in the throes of doing any, or all, of these, it can be a time of anxiety and stress. We have had a look at how you can help to calm …

Take a break and relax in five minutes

You’ve got 87 new emails in your inbox, the next conference call starts in five minutes and your to do list is growing by the minute – arghhhhh. When you are feeling frazzled, and a long weekend at the beach to regroup isn’t on the cards, you can reset your …

Feed your skin

Not a week goes by without a new superfood being added to our ‘must-eat’ list, making it hard to know where to start when it comes to finding the perfect balanced diet. You really can’t go wrong if you eat a range of seasonal fruit and vegetables mixed with whole …

Do you automatically reach for coffee when you feel tired?

When it’s a struggle to get out of bed, a pain to keep awake in your Monday morning meeting and hell by the time mid-afternoon hits, reaching for the coffee may well be your go to fix, but it might not be helping you in the long run. We have …

Keep flu at bay this winter

With flu cases accounting for 22,000 visits to GPs, 85 deaths and hundreds of hospital admissions, it would seem we are dealing with a flu crisis this winter. With sore throats, soaring temperatures, aching joints, headaches and coughing just some of the symptoms, this is one bug you could do …

The fail safe Christmas shopping list

We don’t know about you, but come 6pm on Christmas Eve we find we have left something off the shopping list and need to make a mad dash to the 24 hour petrol station in the hope they will have it. “Last year we were about to sit down to …

Beat the blues with food

Now the clocks have changed and temperatures are dropping, for some people the seasonal blues start to kick in. As well as getting plenty of sleep, taking exercise and drinking water, it is vital to look at your diet when thinking about mental health over the winter months. If you …

Boost your metabolism with your diet

We know that your metabolism is partly determined by your genetics, but if you want to fire it up and really getting it working for you, you need to look at what you eat too. Lots of people think they know what their metabolism does, but just so you know …