Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

Drink herbal teas to keep the bloat away

Our bodies are brilliant machines that not only work to keep us alive and safe, but they also alert us when something isn’t right. As we zoom at full speed towards the festive season, there is more temptation than ever to eat rich foods, but these salty snacks and heavy …

Oily Skin? Get Mattifying with These Products

While a lot of people’s thoughts are turning to moisturising products to see them through the drying winter months, those of us with oily skin will still be thinking about ways to mop up that extra sebum. Having oily skin is a constant battle for many people and investing in …

Ease your way into autumn

As much as the warm summer months and carefree holiday season are fantastic, there is something soothing about the arrival of autumn and the promise it brings. As the leaves turn amber and the temperature cools, now is the time to take stock and look after yourself before the festive …

How to Cope with a Summer Pregnancy

Speaking as someone who has two kids, one born in summer and the other born in winter, the summer pregnancy was way more uncomfortable. My eldest was born in August, which meant months of being large during very warm weather, and each day seemed to bring with it a new …

Sun Exposure – It’s Not Just “The Big C” You Need to Think About

We all know the major issues that sun exposure can cause – obviously skin cancer is the scariest one, but from a beauty point of view, the profound effect it can have on the ageing process is pretty worrying too. There are also other conditions which can be caused by …

Debunking Common Skincare Myths

Here at Pure Beauty, we love nothing more than giving advice to our clients to help guide them with their skin routines and issues, and we try to stick rigidly to FACTS. The problem is, there’s so many skin myths out there than many people just don’t know the fact …

Foods to Eat, Post-Christmas

While we don’t subscribe to the idea that you need to eat certain things to get rid of toxins in your body (that’s what your liver and kidneys are there for, you don’t need a special diet!), we do believe that the body needs to replenish certain things in order …

Start your day, the caffeine free way

The dark mornings and cold nights of winter, can make us feel that the only way we can start the day is with a strong cup of coffee, or two. While this isn’t the end of the world, it also isn’t the only way to feel energised first thing. Some …

Hydration hacks for the summer

There is no denying that summer is well and truly here. Hot days and balmy nights see us swapping jeans for shorts, jumpers for strappy dresses and forget boots, it’s all about flip-flops right now. While all the glorious Vitamin D boosting sunshine may leave you with a healthy glow, add …

How to sleep in the heat

We don’t know about you, but we find getting to sleep, and staying asleep, is so much easier in the winter. Cool crisp sheets, cold air, blankets and bed socks are a much cosier way to end the day, rather than melting into your bed when it is just too …