Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

Let Decleor and Elemis Heal Your Scars

For most people, scars are a fact of life, be they small or large, and as a result of past injury, operation or some other cause. The main complaint is that people don’t like the appearance of scars on their skin, but scar timmues can also feel itchy, even burn …

Keep your immune system strong

Before the party season gets underway, why not take a look at how you can boost your immune system so you can keep healthy as you burn the candle both ends this December. If you make a conscious effort to look after yourself you will be at an advantage when …

Perfect Products for the Party Season

It’s that time of year when everyone’s thoughts are turning to the upcoming celebrations and the festive season, which means family gatherings, work parties and a whole load of other events which require us to look our best. Most of us embellish our beauty routine at this time of year …

Breaking up and moving on

However you look at them, break-ups are tough, emotional and draining but they don’t have to break you. We know you have heard the clichés and we know it might not seem like it now but a break up can be made less painful, and here’s how. Accept your feelings …

Take Control of Menopause Acne

It’s largely recognised that hormones are one of the prevailing factors which can affect acne, and although most of us associate acne with teenages and the changes in hormones which happen around puberty, a lot of people don’t realise that the hormone changes associated with menopause can have a similar …

Eat your way to tight abs

OK, you need to exercise too, but if you are mindful about what you put on your plate and into your body, the benefits can be seen around your tummy. We have had a look at good grub for great abs and we think you’ll be running to the shops …

Keep warm is winter

While we enjoyed sunny skies and warm days during October and into November, there is no doubt that winter is on the way and things are getting chilly. Some people seem to spend even the coldest days in T-shirts and shorts claiming not to feel the wind whistle round their …

Beat the blues with food

Now the clocks have changed and temperatures are dropping, for some people the seasonal blues start to kick in. As well as getting plenty of sleep, taking exercise and drinking water, it is vital to look at your diet when thinking about mental health over the winter months. If you …

Essentials for New Parents

Let’s be real, people; being a parent to a newborn is hard work. Sleepless nights and constant demands for feeding, changing, and cuddling (which isn’t all bad, obvs!) can take a huge toll on you both physically and mentally, and while that first few weeks of living in a baby-centric …

Get a hobby that will chill you out

Long days, busy nights and a flow of information coming at you 24/7, can make life pretty stressful and even lead to depression, anxiety and insomnia. While we know you have to pay the bills, and keep family and friends happy, it is also important to look after you. So, …