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Keep flu at bay this winter

With flu cases accounting for 22,000 visits to GPs, 85 deaths and hundreds of hospital admissions, it would seem we are dealing with a flu crisis this winter. With sore throats, soaring temperatures, aching joints, headaches and coughing just some of the symptoms, this is one bug you could do …

Smoking – Why You Should Quit NOW!

Despite the absolute flood of information out there about how bad smoking is for you, it’s estimated that there are still 9.4 million smokers in the UK, an amount which represents almost one fifth of the population. The risks associated with smoking are numerous, including cancers of the lungs, throat …

Reasons to embrace the cold weather

The mornings are dark, the days are cold and the evenings are, well, both. While the chilly temperatures might have you diving for the duvet, it could actually be that the cold is good for your mind and body. Yes, that’s right. If you’re an active, healthy person, the cold …

How to complete ‘Dry January’

Over the past few years, Dry January, has become ‘a thing’ and one that is gathering momentum. Just to give you an overview, Dry January is an annual event where thousands of people give up alcohol for the first month of the year. While January is a tough month already, …

Get your sleep back on track

With Christmas late nights and lazy lie ins over, going to sleep at reasonable time and getting up and out in the morning, can be a tough job. As well as a balanced diet, plenty of water and regular exercise, a good night’s sleep is needed for tip-top health and …

Are Your Intolerances Affecting Your Face?

When it comes to the ageing process, most of us are pretty savvy and know about the normal things which will speed it up – smoking, alcohol and sun exposure being the most common. There are, however, a whole slew of things which could be ageing you without you even …

Make 2018 your best year ever

At the end of every year we look back on the past 12 months and remember the good, the bad and the ugly. 52 weeks is a pretty long-time but it’s gone in the blink of an eye, so why not make the next 365 days really count? We aren’t …

Keep cool this Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year but Christmas can be demanding and stressful and keeping your cool can be tough. While we are expected to have a heart warming, joyful time with the ones we love, the reality is, holiday gatherings can be hard work. We have had …

Cheat Your Way to Festive Perfection

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but for most of us that means boatloads of stress, being run off of our feet with present buying, cooking, wrapping and entertaining, and we’re STILL expected to pull a fresh-face out of the bag for all the different social events we …

Nothing says Christmas like cocktails

The advent calendars are being opened, trees are being decorated and cards are being sent (we hope), so it is only right to start thinking about a little festive cheer. Today we are looking at some easy to make, even easier to drink, cocktails that will make you feel as …