Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

Foods to boost your winter heath

Yes, you can have the flu jab, and take supplements, but if you want to keep coughs and colds away this winter, you may want to think about what you eat. The chilly days and dark nights might have you reaching for comforting cakes and sugary chocolate, but what you …

How to beat Christmas cabin fever

Christmas all about fun and food, family and friends, but it can also be a time for frustration and dare we say it, irritation if cabin fever sets in. There is no doubt that if you spend a whole week stuck in the house stuffing Quality Street and drinking your …

Beat The Christmas Hangover

Even if you’re not a massive drinker, the overindulgence at Christmas time is enough to make any of us feel like we’ve woken up with a hangover, and no-one needs to be dealing with a hangover at this time of year! When we were younger, a quick Drive-Through breakfast and …

Beat the Bloat

As well as the parties, presents and more parties, at Christmas there seems to be the feeling that we have to eat and drink all we see! While it is nice to enjoy festive food and the odd tipple, going mad at the buffet table isn’t great for your waistline, …

Keep calm, it’s only Christmas

Say ‘Christmas’ to a friend and you either get a smile or a look of sheer horror, depending on how organised they are, and what they have left to do before the big day. Let’s face it, Christmas is meant to be fun, not a big ball of cash strapped …

What Would We Include in an Ultimate Beauty Box?

Beauty boxes are massive business, with many different companies across the globe offering beauty-lovers the opportunity to have five beauty products sent to them each month. The boxes are usually curated according to a set of questions asked about the subscriber and usually include at least one full size product, …

Make the most of your beauty sleep

Winter evenings are for many things – cosy nights by the fire, hot chocolate after dinner as well as all those Christmas movies to eat as you eat mince pies and enjoy the odd tipple. Winter, however, isn’t always the best thing that can happen to your hair and skin. …

Get your sleep back on track

With Christmas late nights and lazy lie ins over, going to sleep at reasonable time and getting up and out in the morning, can be a tough job. As well as a balanced diet, plenty of water and regular exercise, a good night’s sleep is needed for tip-top health and …

Keep cool this Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year but Christmas can be demanding and stressful and keeping your cool can be tough. While we are expected to have a heart warming, joyful time with the ones we love, the reality is, holiday gatherings can be hard work. We have had …

Cheat Your Way to Festive Perfection

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but for most of us that means boatloads of stress, being run off of our feet with present buying, cooking, wrapping and entertaining, and we’re STILL expected to pull a fresh-face out of the bag for all the different social events we …