Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

Three basics wellness steps that work

If the ‘new year, new you’ thing has got you in a tangle and the choice of diets and eating plans leaves you feeling overwhelmed, fear not – you’re not alone. So many of us make a big list of New Year’s resolutions that we just can’t keep up with, …

Nail Colours for the Winter Season

Having your nails done, for many people, is one of life’ little pleasure, and there’s no denying the fact that professionally manicured nails make your whole appearance look tidier and more pulled-together. However, it’s often tough to make the choice of what colour you want to go for when faced …

Repair Your Neglected Skin With These Products

We’re all guilty, at times, of neglecting ourselves. Be it not going to the gym, forgetting to get our hair trimmed or letting our skincare routine fall by the wayside, it’s all stuff which is repairable if we start to make more of an effort. Our clients often come to …

Get Smart with your Skincare

In the past, if you used the word smart, you were probably referring to how someone was dressed. However, if 2019, calling something “smart” is more likely to mean that it has some sort of techy application and goes the extra mile to simplify your life. Smart isn’t just for …

How to Cope with a Summer Pregnancy

Speaking as someone who has two kids, one born in summer and the other born in winter, the summer pregnancy was way more uncomfortable. My eldest was born in August, which meant months of being large during very warm weather, and each day seemed to bring with it a new …

Sun Exposure – It’s Not Just “The Big C” You Need to Think About

We all know the major issues that sun exposure can cause – obviously skin cancer is the scariest one, but from a beauty point of view, the profound effect it can have on the ageing process is pretty worrying too. There are also other conditions which can be caused by …

Summer hacks for hydration

Drinking water is one of those things we know we need to do, and it sounds super simple, but let’s be honest, it can be really easy to let things slide. The reality is, if we don’t drink enough water it can lead to dehydration, headaches, poor skin, fine lines …

Say Goodbye to Frown Lines

Frown lines usually form in the forehead area between the eyes and above the nose, and although they can worsen with age, they can develop on anyone. The area where frown lines form is an area of high movement, and although many people turn to botox to paralyse the forehead, …

Alcohol – The Skin Disruptor

As well as alcohol leaving you feeling dehydrated, sick and lethargic, the effects of one too many drinks are also visible on our skin and a real disruptor. Think about it, the day after you have had a few glasses of wine with your bestie, your skin might feel tight …

Five Products to Blast Away Frown Lines

When it comes to wrinkles and fine lines, there’s a sliding scale of severity. The feather lines in the corners of your eyes are one thing, but frown lines are usually the mother of all wrinkles, with furrowed brows causing the deepest of trenches above the inner corners of your …