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What are “Growth Factors” and Why Should You Want Them in Your Skincare

Here at Pure Beauty, no-one is more aware than us that skincare and beauty can often seem like it moves from one buzzword to the next at the speed of light, without you ever really learning what they mean. One phrase we’re seeing a lot lately is “growth factors”. But …

Breaking Down the Science of Skincare: Understanding Key Ingredients

Image Source In the world of skincare, where countless products line the shelves promising to transform our skin, it can be challenging to decipher the truth from mere marketing hype. However, hidden amidst the array of beauty potions lie a handful of truly remarkable ingredients, each with its unique superpowers …

Five Body Skin Issues and How to Deal with Them

Photo by Sora Shimazaki The skin is the largest organ in your body, with the average person having over 22 square feet of it! And while most of us focus on the small area of skin on our faces, there are plenty of issues which can besiege the much larger …

Now is the Time to Tackle Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a problem which affects many people here in the UK. It’s estimated that 2% of people worldwide will have some issue with pigmentation, regardless of race, which might not sound like a lot, but that actually equates to over 150 million people! Hyperpigmentation can be caused by scarring, …