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Everything You Need To Know About Fermented Skincare

Photo by Peter Nguyen on Unsplash It is well known that eating foods that have undergone fermentation, such as yoghurt, kombucha, and kimchi, can improve gut health and increase the immune system. In recent years, the beauty world has started to add fermented extracts to specific products to improve their …

Fabulously Fermented – The Latest Skincare Trend

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash For many of us, we hear the word “fermented” and the first thing that springs to mind is beer! However, it’s been common knowledge for some time now that fermented foods are incredibly good for you and it’s recommended that you add more fermented …

Five Best Foods for Anti-Ageing

Having a proper skincare routine is one of the key factors in making sure you halt the ageing process that your skin goes through. There are, however, things that you can eat which will also contribute towards halting the signs of ageing, so we thought we’d tell you about five …

Hydration hacks for the summer

There is no denying that summer is well and truly here. Hot days and balmy nights see us swapping jeans for shorts, jumpers for strappy dresses and forget boots, it’s all about flip-flops right now. While all the glorious Vitamin D boosting sunshine may leave you with a healthy glow, add …

Are Your Intolerances Affecting Your Face?

When it comes to the ageing process, most of us are pretty savvy and know about the normal things which will speed it up – smoking, alcohol and sun exposure being the most common. There are, however, a whole slew of things which could be ageing you without you even …