Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

5 Products to Help You to Safely Exfoliate Sensitive Skin

Photo by Chermiti Mohamed Exfoliating sensitive skin requires a delicate balance between effectively removing dead skin cells and avoiding irritation or redness. With the myriad of exfoliating products available on the market, finding the right ones for sensitive skin can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are gentle yet effective …

Beauty Trends for 2020

2019 has been a big year for beauty trends, with brows taking the lead above every other part of the face. From brow kits to microblading, everyone’s brows are suitably thick and ‘on fleek’ as the kids would say! But will we be leading into 2020 with our brows or …

Run the mindful way

There is no doubt that the benefits of running are plentiful but as well as being great for keeping our hearts and bodies healthy, it can also be good for our minds too. You might not have thought about practising mindfulness as you run, but if you stop and think …

Pack like a pro

We don’t about you, but while we love going on holiday the thought of packing fills us with dread. From knowing how many dresses to take, what bikini goes with what kaftan and just how many pairs of shoes are enough, getting your case sorted and into the car be …