Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

Tranexamic Acid – Everything You Need to Know About the Newest Skincare Acid

Photo by Valdemars Magone on Unsplash Tranexamic acid, once primarily known for its medical applications, has taken the skincare world by storm with its remarkable benefits. This powerful ingredient has garnered attention for its ability to address a range of skin concerns and improve overall complexion. From reducing hyperpigmentation and …

Give Your Skincare a Mid-Year Overhaul With These Kits

Image Source There are a few points throughout the year where starting something new feels natural. The first of January is the obvious one, but a lot of us get those feelings in September too, with the start of the new academic year – often whether we’re still in education …

How to Repair Your Damaged Skin Barrier

Photo by Yara Amaral on Unsplash The skin barrier is a crucial defence mechanism that safeguards our bodies from external threats. It is the outermost layer of our skin, known as the stratum corneum, which acts as a protective shield. The skin barrier serves multiple functions, including preventing the loss …

The Benefits of Incorporating Antioxidants into Your Skincare Routine

Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash Antioxidants are powerful substances that play a critical role in our body’s overall health and wellbeing. They protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to ageing, cancer, and other health problems. When it comes to skincare, antioxidants are essential …

Breaking Down the Science of Skincare: Understanding Key Ingredients

Image Source In the world of skincare, where countless products line the shelves promising to transform our skin, it can be challenging to decipher the truth from mere marketing hype. However, hidden amidst the array of beauty potions lie a handful of truly remarkable ingredients, each with its unique superpowers …

How to Exfoliate Without Irritating Your Skin

Image by senivpetro on Freepik Exfoliating can be beneficial for the skin as it helps to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, resulting in a smoother, brighter complexion. However, over-exfoliation or using products that are too harsh can irritate the skin and cause redness, sensitivity, and even breakouts. …

Bring Flowers into your Skincare this Spring

Photo by Demi Kwant on Unsplash Spring has, (dare we say it?!) FINALLY sprung – or at least, the daffodils outside of our window say that it has, and that means florals are a big theme right now. This time of year always makes us want to have more flowers …

Our Top Five Nighttime Products for Oily Skin

Photo by Remy_Loz on Unsplash Getting to grips with skincare for oily skin isn’t always straightforward and there are a huge number of misconceptions out there. One such myth is that oily skin doesn’t need moisturising, but this is simply false as oily skin can suffer just as easily from …

Which Facial SPF is Right for Me?

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash While it might be wishful thinking to expect to see any sun any time soon, with the horrible weather currently bombarding the UK, here at Pure Beauty we believe that SPF should be an all-year thing. Obviously, it’s more important than even to wear …