Fantastic Treatments in a fabulous salon with only the best Products and the very Best Beauty Therapists!

5 Surprising Reasons for Spots

We all know that there are certain things which cause spots, like weather changes and hormones changes which are basically just a fact of life and have to be dealt with as and when they happen. However, there are quite a few totally avoidable reasons for spots which may not …

De-Stress with Decleor and Dermalogica

Unless you’re the sort of rare creature who manages to remain Zen at all times, there’s a good chance that you’ll feel the need to de-stress at times. Taking some time to concentrate on yourself can be an excellent way to improve your inner-calm and we’ve got suggestions of five …

The Best Gel Products from Dermalogica and Decleor

The products that we sell come in many different forms, from sprays to creams to serums and more. Today, we’re focusing on the products which come in a gel form and we’ve a gel for almost every part of the body – read on to find a gel from Dermalogica …

Everything’s Rosy with Dermalogica and Decleor

We think it’s fair to say that most of the products from Dermalogica and Decleor contain natural ingredients, added for their beauty-giving properties, as well as lending their delightful scent. One such ingredient is rose oil, which is found in many products across both Dermalogica and Decleor, and we thought …

Beauty Tips for Olympians

After the London Olympics in 2012, the people of the UK naturally went a little sport-crazy, with participation in athletics and cycling rising by a combined 31%. Team GB had a whole load more successes in this years’ Olympics and it’s sure to inspire even more participation in sports, so …

Plump Up with Decleor

If your skin has started to show signs of ageing, you may find that your complexion is a little lacklustre and is starting to feel like a deflating balloon. Fortunately, Decleor offer many different products which actively plump the skin and rejuvenate your face, and we’ve put together a list …

Best Sun Creams for Your Skin Type

It may be the end of August but with promises of meandering Indian summers coming our way, it’s never too late to stock up on sun cream. You might still also be planning to jet away for a last break before the return to the daily grind, so we thought …

Top 5 Tips for Applying Foundation

The current trend for foundation seems to be pretty full on; contouring is the preferred method by many and seems to require a dozen different shades of foundation, an extra hour in the day and a degree in geometry. If your foundation style is a little bit more laid back, …

5 Things to Avoid to Reduce Wrinkles

Wrinkles. They’re something that most people have to deal with at some point in their life, and for many people they’re just accepted as a fact of ageing. There are, however, lots of factors which will have an impact on HOW much your face wrinkles as you get older and …

Get Rid of Undereye Bags with Dermalogica and Decleor

There are a number of causes of swelling under the eyes, also know as “eye bags”, such as tiredness, allergies, dehydration and genetics. For some people, eye bags are an inevitability; look at your parents. Do they have them? If they do then the chances are higher that you might. …