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Walk your way to fitness

With temperatures on the rise, evenings drawing out and flowers in bloom, many of us are feeling more inclined to get outside and get rid of that winter excess and lethargy.

While many think that fitness can only be improved with pounding the pavements and intense sessions at the gym, that isn’t strictly true.

Walking is a fantastic, low-impact exercise that’s easy, free and accessible whatever your age or fitness level.

Today we are looking at why putting your best foot forward is so good for your mind, body and bank balance.

As with any form of exercise, to be safe and to maximise the benefits, a good technique is key. It is important to engage core muscles which means standing up straight, tightening your stomach, not leaning too far forward or backward and having your chin parallel to the ground. Let your arms swing naturally and roll through your foot from heel to toe.

Once you have got this right, and have a decent pair of shoes or trainers, aim to walk for around half an hour every day, more if you can, and by doing this, you will soon start to feel and see the benefits.

It is believed that a brisk 30-minute walk every day can help prevent, and control the high blood pressure that causes strokes and other health issues. Walking on a regular basis can cut your risk of heart disease and helps to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while increasing levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.

If you can develop a regular walking habit, it can help slash your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and you’re less likely to develop colon, breast or womb cancer. Worth thinking about, hey?

Getting off the sofa and putting on your trainers means you will burn up to 75 calories when walking at around just 2 miles per hour for half an hour. At 3 miles per hour you are looking at 100 calories and 150 if your speed is 4 miles per hour. This could be done by simply walking to work, taking the neighbour’s dog out or leaving the car at home when you go to the supermarket.

Forget a class at the gym, walking will tone up legs, bums and tums. A good, regular walking workout will add definition to your calves, hamstrings and quads as well as lifting your bottom muscles, aka glutes. By paying attention to your posture, you’ll also tone your abs and waist. Give hiking or beach walking a go, and the uneven ground will work your muscles even more.

We are forever being told that we need to get outside more to increase our Vitamin D levels and improve our bone health and immune systems. Walking is the perfect way to get fit, have some time out and get a ‘D fix’ too.

There is no doubt that when you have more energy you get more done and a brisk walk is a brilliant natural energiser. It boosts circulation, increases the supply of oxygen your body and generally helps you feel more alive and on the ball. If you can, add a lunch time walk into your day and you will find you are so much more productive in the afternoon.

For positive mental health, walking’s an absolute must as it releases feel-good endorphins and reduces stress and anxiety.

So, what are you waiting for, get your coat and close the door behind you.

Team Pure Beauty

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