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Feed your skin

www.pexels.comNot a week goes by without a new superfood being added to our ‘must-eat’ list, making it hard to know where to start when it comes to finding the perfect balanced diet.

You really can’t go wrong if you eat a range of seasonal fruit and vegetables mixed with whole grains, pulses and good protein. Plenty of water, regular exercise and decent sleep are also a good idea.

If you really want to use your diet to feed your skin, we have some suggestions of foods that will make your complexion glow.

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are a pretty secret beauty hero food, but we don’t mind sharing it with you. Full of skin saving Vitamin E, zinc and magnesium, these littles seeds promote the regeneration of skin cells and are filled with protein, making them a perfect mid-morning snack that will fill you up until lunch time when mixed with almonds. Add to cereal, smoothies and salads and you are already ahead of the glowing game.

We know carrots are meant to help you see in the dark, but they also offer skin a beauty boost, so stock up when you are shopping. Filled with beta carotene, try juicing one with an apple and a sprig of mint for a refreshing replacement to a mid-morning latte and dip them in hummus rather than reaching for a packet of crisps and your skin will thank you.

Salmon is jam-packed with the omega-3 fatty acids which have been shown to help reduce inflammation and the signs of ageing. For a quick and easy dinner, drench a piece of fresh salmon in lemon juice, wrap it in silver foil and pop it in the oven for 25 minutes then serve with a fresh salad and sweet potato.

If you are going to add one fruit to your diet, make it the blueberry. Filled with antioxidants as well as essential vitamins and minerals, blueberries can help heal damaged skin and are delicious too, so eat as many as you can.

Flaxseed oil
OK, not a food as such, but flaxseed oil, like salmon, is rich in the omega-3 fatty acids that can decrease inflammation and help skin look smooth and calm. It can be pretty much added to anything from porridge and smoothies to salads and pancakes.

Green tea
We all head to the coffee pot for an energy boost, but this might not be doing you much good at all. Instead, grab a cup of green tea and as you take five minutes to relax you can let the inflammation-fighting antioxidants and vitamins keep your complexion blemish-free.

We couldn’t do this round-up without mentioning the avocado. Complete with essential fatty acids, Vitamin E and antioxidants, avocados are staple for great skin. The ‘good fats’ are great for the cell membranes that let the good stuff into your skin and keep the bad ones out. Why not chop an avocado into a smoothie or enjoy with a tuna and egg salad at lunchtime?

Got a superfood you, love, drop us a line and let us know what it is.

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