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Coconut oil – what’s all the fuss

There is no getting away from it; coconut oil is hot property in kitchen cupboards and the bathroom cabinets.

The media hype isn’t going away and new products are popping up all of the time.

But why, we hear you ask.

Well, the simple truth is that this lush, tropical oil is rich in fab fats that are super good for you – inside and out.

Coconut oil is consider by many, but not all, to be a super-food powerhouse.

As well as smelling amazing, it has endless benefits, and uses, when it comes to beauty, cooking, natural remedies and helping with cleaning jobs around the house.

So, let’s take a look at some of the ways it is good for you.

Coconut oil is packed with short term medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs), which are consider to be a ‘healthy’ kind of saturated fat compared to trans fat which is linked to heart problems and increased cholesterol levels. Our body cleverly converts these fats in the liver, immediately turning it into brain and muscle fuel rather than storing it as fat.

If you have digestion issues, coconut oil could help. It has been found to help ease disorders including irritable bowel syndrome and microbial related tummy bugs and contains anti microbial properties, which sooth bacteria, candida and even parasites.

We are starting to see that consuming the wrong kinds of fats in our diets can really impact on our hormones. Coconut oil contains fats that support our body’s natural hormone production and allow our mood and skin to level out and behave better.

The lauric, capric and caprylic acids in coconut oil all have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties which help build and maintain the immune system.

If you are looking for a skin saver, look no further than coconut oil. Forget fancy lotions and potions, this is a one-stop skin saving shop. It is an effective, pure moisturiser and thanks to natural antioxidant properties it works wonder on fine lines, wrinkles and irritation.

This oil is has been used for treating hair for centuries and with good reason – it works. Whether it is used as a mask, oil treatment, or added into homemade hair products, it will leave your locks luscious and soft.

Bearing all of this in mind, when it boils down to it, this is still an oil and therefore when eating it, you need to do so sparingly.

Coconut oil has the same calories as other fats, which is around 120 calories per tablespoon.

It probably isn’t a great idea to swap heart-healthy unsaturated fats found in things like nuts, seeds, and other plant oils for a saturated fat like coconut oil.

You can eat all kinds of heart-healthy fats every day but limit saturated fat to about 22 grams a day which is around 10% of your daily calorie intake.

Ensure you use coconut oil as part of a healthy, balanced diet packed with fruit and vegetables, at least eight glasses of water a day and moderate exercise.

Next week, we will look at how to introduce coconut oil into your diet, beauty regime and home.

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