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Don’t let moths ruin your clothes

Let’s face it, most of us have gone to get a favourite item of clothing out of the wardrobe only to find it has been chewed by MOTHS! Moths breed all year, but do their most damage between June and October and holes are the result of eggs and larvae …

Five Hacks for Clearer Skin

If you’re one of the millions of women in the UK who has acne or spot-prone skin, you probably have a skincare routines that is almost hard-wired into your brain to help you keep your spots at bay. There are, however, a lot of things that can contribute to breakouts, …

Why Should I Buy Expensive Face Creams?

When every discount shop is offering so-called ‘miracle’ face creams for less than a fiver, it can seem really tempting to ditch the pricier products in favour of a bargain? One of my Nan’s favourite sayings was “you get what you pay for”, and favoured quality over quantity, but is …