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Reasons to embrace the cold weather

www.pexels.comThe mornings are dark, the days are cold and the evenings are, well, both.

While the chilly temperatures might have you diving for the duvet, it could actually be that the cold is good for your mind and body.

Yes, that’s right.

If you’re an active, healthy person, the cold weather doesn’t mean you have to put life on hold, in-fact it’s quite the opposite.

Burn More Fat
We aren’t saying you don’t need to do any exercise until the spring, but your body will naturally burn more of the ‘brown fat’ it likes to store, if you turn the heat down and let your internal central heating warm you up.

Enjoy Radiant Skin
Many of us think that winter weather equals dry, dehydrated skin but one of the benefits of cold temperatures include the fact that it trains blood vessels in the skin to be responsive and this cause redness. So, go easy on the blusher and instead, get outside and your lungs will be full of fresh air and you will have rosy cheeks and bright eyes.

Boost Your Body Image
One of the great things about winter is that we simply don’t need to think about shedding our clothes and revealing our ‘bikini body’ to the world. So, with the pressure off, the cold weather is a great time to focus on fitness goals for the year ahead and maybe take up something new (outside) that will get your heart rate going and blood pumping.

Get Running
There is no getting away from the fact that running in hot, humid weather is hard work and extremely taxing on the body. Running in the cold is perfect because less heat makes it easier and more pleasurable to run, you run faster to get warmer and this will speed up your metabolism and burn more fat. It might be cold when you set off but wear layers, as you will get hot, warming up exercises are still vital, you need to stretch afterwards and always drink plenty of water and you will be thanking the cold for making you feel and look so much better.

Sleep Well
You might want to turn up the heat and put the electric blanket on at this time of year, but it is thought that by keeping your body temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit will help you sleep better and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed rather than sluggish.

Breath Better
There is something special about the clean quality of cold, crisp air so make the most of those frosty mornings and take long walks and enjoy the feeling of fresh air.

We tend to spend more time at home in the winner and it could be that you see just how much ‘stuff’ you have that you really don’t need. Spend a weekend going through each room and as well as having a spring clean, also clear out what you no longer need and either recycle it or give things to your local charity shop. The result will be a fresh home and a clear mind that is free to focus on what matter.

Give Back
Rather than sitting home watching TV in the evenings, why not get involved with a community project or not for profit organisation and give something back – you never know, you might like it and do it all year round.

Feel the Love
When you’re warm and cosy inside and it is cold outside, this is the time to catch up with your nearest and dearest. There is nothing more therapeutic than a call with your sister or dinner with your best friend, so use the winter months as time to reconnect.

So, there’s no reason to hide away from winter weather, instead, wrap up, embrace it and enjoy all it has to offer.


Last updated on 30/01/2018.

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