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The Health Benefits of Beetroot

beetrootBeetroot has gone through something of a culinary revival of late, with every chef worth their salt getting in on the act and featuring the starchy root veg on their menu, but there’s actually a lot of goodness in them too. Beetroot has been proven time and again to have a whole bunch of health-improving properties, so we thought we’d take a look at beets and all of the good they can do when eaten as part of a balanced diet.

Lowering blood pressure

A clinical study, published in 2008, showed that drinking just 500ml of beetroot juice in a day could significantly lower blood pressure, due to the high levels of nitrates in them. Untreated high blood pressure can lead to a whole host of nasty diseases, such as kidney failure and heart disease, so beetroot could be a fantastic ally against many of these potentially fatal conditions.

Reducing inflammation

Beets contain lots of something called ‘choline’, a compound which the body uses to help reduce inflammation, as well as maintaining the structure of cellular membranes, aiding in the transmission of nerve impulses and assisting in the absorption of fat. It also helps to promote sleep, which is hugely important for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, too.


Beetroot also contains betalin, the stuff which makes them that beautiful reddish-purple colour, which support phase-2 detoxification in the body and actually purify the blood and liver. This should have a profound effect on the skin, giving you a much clearer complexion.

Keeping you regular

Okay, so bowel movements aren’t exactly the nicest topic to chat about, but good motility in this area is really important. There’s a huge amount of fibre in beetroot which will help to keep everything moving, and this will help you to avoid feeling full and sluggish.

Boosting your immune system

Making beets a regular part of your diet will really help to boost your immune system. Beets are super high in vitamin C, one of the most common go-to supplements when fighting a cold, as well as potassium, which helps maintain healthy nerve and muscle function and manganese, which is good for your pancreas, bones, liver and kidneys.

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