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Keep your back healthy at work

Did you know that back pain is one of the leading cause of long-term sickness in the UK, responsible for millions of sick days every year.

In a recent survey by the British Chiropractic Association as 86% of people in the UK have suffered from back and neck pain which is hardly surprising given that they also found that on average, people spend almost half the day (10 hours) sitting and less than two hours being active.

Your job might mean you spend much of your time sat at a desk, but by making small changes you can help prevent the pain getting worse, or even better prevent it from starting at all.

We have some great tips on getting it right, before your back goes wrong:

Get your chair right
Sounds basic but you will be amazed at how many people don’t use the right chair in the correct way.

A standard office chair has five legs in a star shape needs to be stable or you are in trouble from the start. The height needs to be adjustable, and so does the back-rest which also needs to be able to tilt. Ideally, your back-rest should be able to move independently of the seat so you can find a safe, comfortable position.

If you’re sitting correctly your thighs will be at right angles to your body, or slightly sloping, and your feet should be firmly on the floor, but a footrest can be used if this is more acceptable.

Sit up straight
We all remember teachers at school telling us not to slouch but it is something many of us do at work without even realising.

Slouching might not seem like a big deal but if you are doing it for hours every day it weaken the muscles in our chest and upper back and causes pain. Once again it is essential to make sure you desk is set up correctly and that you focus on your posture during the day.

Watch your neck
How many times have you come up for air from your computer and found your neck to be stiff and tired? To prevent your neck becoming painful ensure your monitor is comfortably placed in the centre of your desk and your chair is positioned so your hips and spine are straight.

Shoulders Back
There is no denying that however hard you try, when you are sat at a desk for most of the day your shoulders become hunched. Ensure that when you take a break you rotate and stretch your shoulders to relax tightened muscles and maintain your natural alignment.

Take a break
When you are engrossed in a project it is really easy to stay sat in the same position for ages. Whilst this might be good for your to-do list, it could be harming your back.

Experts suggest you take a couple of minutes break every half an hour, move away from your desk. Have a walk around the office, grab a drink and even stretch out your muscles, hips, thighs and hamstrings and prevent them becoming tight, sort and strained.

Keep active
We all have busy lives and when you leave work it is all too temping to simply head home and veg out. Try to fit in some exercise every day even if it is walking to and from work, taking the dog out or going to a Zumba class. Every little helps and it will all add up to a happier, less achy back too±

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