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How to Exfoliate Without Irritating Your Skin

How to Exfoliate Without Irritating Your SkinImage by senivpetro on Freepik

Exfoliating can be beneficial for the skin as it helps to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, resulting in a smoother, brighter complexion. However, over-exfoliation or using products that are too harsh can irritate the skin and cause redness, sensitivity, and even breakouts. With this in mind, we;’ve put together some tips to make sure your skin is buffed to perfection without causing you any issues:

Choose The Right Exfoliant

One of the most important things to remember is that you need to use a gentle exfoliant that is appropriate for your skin type. For example, if you have sensitive skin, choose a chemical exfoliant with mild ingredients like glycolic acid or lactic acid, instead of a physical exfoliant like a scrub. Enzyme exfoliants use natural fruit enzymes like papaya or pineapple to dissolve dead skin cells and are usually gentle enough to be used on all skin types, but may not be as effective as other types of exfoliants.

Don’t Overdo It

Limit your exfoliation to once or twice a week, especially if you have sensitive skin. Your skin barrier acts as a protective shield against external aggressors like pollution, UV rays, and bacteria and over-exfoliation can strip away this barrier, leaving your skin vulnerable to irritation and inflammation. It’s important to follow a gentle and consistent exfoliation routine that suits your skin type and concerns.

Be Gentle

Whether you’re using a physical or chemical exfoliant, be gentle and avoid scrubbing too hard or applying too much pressure. Let the exfoliant do the work, and don’t scrub for too long. Over-exfoliation can also disrupt the natural balance of your skin, leading to increased oil production and clogged pores. This can cause acne and breakouts, especially in people with acne-prone or sensitive skin.


Moisturising after exfoliating is important because exfoliation can remove the top layer of dead skin cells, leaving your skin more exposed to the environment. This can cause your skin to become dry, dehydrated, and even irritated. Moisturising helps to replenish and lock in moisture, keeping your skin soft and supple. Look for a moisturiser that is non-comedogenic and specifically formulated for your skin type.

Patch Test

Patch testing a new exfoliator is important because exfoliators can contain active ingredients that may irritate or sensitise your skin. Patch testing can help you determine if your skin will have a negative reaction to the product before you apply it to your entire face or body. To perform a patch test, apply a small amount of the exfoliator to a small area of skin, such as the inside of your wrist or behind your ear. Wait 24 to 48 hours and check for any signs of irritation, such as redness, itching, or swelling. If there is no reaction, you can safely use the exfoliator on your face or body.

Last updated on 20/04/2023.

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