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Yoga – Which is the Best Form for You?

YogaMost people are aware of the enormous amount of health benefits associated with regularly practicing yoga, but few people are aware that there are actually several different types of yoga. Whether you’re a total novice and want to try the ancient Indian exercise which promotes blood-flow, increases bone density and improves core strength and flexibility, or an old-hand who wants to try something new, take a look at our guide below to see which form of yoga would be best for you.


Ashtanga yoga is quite a fast-paced, vigorous form of yoga in which poses are only held for five breaths. This is probably not the best form of yoga for a total novice, or someone without a basic level of fitness, but if you’re in okay shape and fancy a challenge, Ashtanga classes can be quite easily found all over the UK. Treat yourself to a bath with some Dermalogica Hydro-Active Mineral Salts once you get home to avoid muscle soreness.


Bikram yoga was invented in the early 1970’s by Bikram Choudhury and is also commonly known as ‘hot’ yoga as it is performed in a room which is heated to at least 40°C with 40% humidity. It is thought to rid the body of toxins through the excessive sweating that Bikram yoga generally causes and although people with certain health conditions should avoid this sort of conditioning, it is thought to burn around 330 calories per session, the equivalent of walking briskly for an hour and a half! Ensure you rehydrate after class and give your face a spritz with some Dermalogica UltraCalming Mist to reduce redness.


Iyengar is a great form of yoga for beginners as it focuses on perfecting form in each pose, and can be done using a series of blocks, belts and other props to do so. It can be great if you’re naturally stiff or recovering from injury as the emphasis is on getting it right rather than forcing stretches which you simply aren’t ready for. You’ll probably also benefit from using a little Decleor Circulagel Refreshing Leg Gel after your class, to keep the blood flowing and help revive sore legs.


Hatha yoga is a gentle class which focuses solely on the physical side of yoga, rather than the spiritual and meditation parts and is great if you want a quick fix. The class doesn’t ‘flow’ in quite the same way as other forms of yoga but if you just want to learn the basics then this would be perfect for you. We recommend using Decleor Circularome Stimulating Body Serum after your post-workout shower to boost circulation and keep your skin glowing.

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