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Eat Your Way to Healthy Skin

If you want radiant skin, the old adage ‘you are what you eat’ has never been truer as our lives get busier and more stressful and the environment becomes more polluted.

If you want glowing skin you need to treat it with respect and take a holistic approach. There’s endless advice on how to be super-healthy but it seems that the rules change every month making it all the more confusing to do the right thing. It might be quick, but grabbing a latte and muffin on the go won’t fill you up for long and it certainly won’t make you feel good inside or look great on the outside.

Making a few informed decisions and setting easy to follow goals you’ll soon see and feel the difference.

The Five a Day a Rainbow
We know this has been said time and again but aim to eat a rainbow assortment of at least five portions of fruit and vegetable a day. The plant chemicals, which give fruit and vegetables their distinctive colours, offer health boosts and powerful antioxidants that protect skin from the free radicals that cause fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.

Mangos contain powerful carotenoids that boost collagen production and promote smoother, youthful-looking skin. Tomatoes are a great source of UV protecting lycopene and for acne-prone skin, foods rich in antioxidants, like blueberries, will help the body eliminate toxins and clear blemishes and spots.

Fruit and Vegetables

Vitamin C
For a healthy immune system and flawless skin, look no further than the trusted vitamin C. This super vitamin helps form collagen and elastin which is essential for keeping skin looking plump, taut and young as well as acting as an antioxidant that protects against UV rays and pollution. Blueberries, broccoli, oranges, kiwis, strawberries and sweet potatoes are all great sources and of course help you reach your five a day.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in nuts, oils and avocados and not only protects skin from cell damage and but also supports healthy skin growth.

Get the Good Carbs
Do not be fooled, not all carbs are bad you just need to know what you are eating and why. Beans, pulses and oats slowly release sugar into the blood stream leaving you fuller for longer and giving you sustained energy during the day. White bread, pasta and cakes have a high GI index so increase insulin levels, which can damage collagen and accelerate wrinkles, something no one wants.

Know Your Fats
No we aren’t going mad, you really do need fats in your diet if you want a natural, dewy completion. Avocados, nuts, fish and seeds contain essential fatty acids and will act as a natural moisturiser.

Omegas 3 and 6 are essential fatty acids and are vital for healthy skin as well as building healthy cells to maintaining brain and nerve function. Our bodies cannot make these nutrients but they can be found in oily fish, flaxseed oil, linseeds, walnut and rapeseed oil.

Drink Water
Skin needs moisture to stay healthy and even mild dehydration will make it look dry, tired and grey. Aim to drink six to eight glasses of water a day and if you keep a jug on your table and adding lemon and cucumber is an easy, tasty way to reach your quota.

Keep an Eye on Alcohol
Every time you drink alcohol it depletes the essential nutrients in your skin making it look dry, dull and tired. Booze also causes the dilatation of facial blood vessels, causing spidery red thread veins to appear and exasperating skin conditions like Psoriasis and Rosacea.

Give Up Smoking
There is nothing good about smoking. It damages your skin and teeth, affects everything from your fertility to the strength of your heart, lungs, and bones. It makes you smell, empties your pockets and accelerates ageing so give it up today and watch the changes happen straight away.

Obviously a treat now and again is fine but if you follow these simple guidelines and combine with an effective skincare routine you will see the results.

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