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A Proper Bedtime Routine

SleepSleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining good health and allowing your body to heal, but it’s not always as simple as falling into bed and nodding off. Sleep can be an elusive mistress for many of us, and in fact it’s estimated that up to a third of the UK population suffers with insomnia and sleep problems. Getting into a proper sleep routine isn’t just important for babies; we grown-ups also benefit greatly from a good night time routine, and we’ve got some tips to help.


Caffeine can be beneficial in some ways, but it can be your enemy when sleep is eluding you. Try limiting your caffeine intake for at least three hours before bed to limit the effects and stop you from lying in bed, eye balling the ceiling for hours on end.


There’s always the temptation to indulge in a pre-bedtime snack, but filling yourself up just before bed can be a real no-no. Loading your digestive system with extra work when your body is trying to switch off is a sure-fire way of keeping you awake and can contribute to acid reflux and other digestive problems.

Switch Off

So many of us are guilty of staying attached to our devices right up until we go to sleep, but evidence shows that phone and tablet usage can prevent our bodies from producing the hormone which induces sleep. Try to put down the phone for at least an hour before sleep and try reading or listening to music instead.

Wind Down

Getting yourself physically prepared for sleep can help to set the wheels in motion. Having a bath in Dermalogica Hydro-Active Mineral Salts, which contain lavender, sandalwood and clary sage to help you relax and follow a cleanse, tone and moisturise routine for you face and you’ll feel ready for bed in no time.


Treat your bedroom like a sanctuary – limit electricals whilst in the bedroom, make sure your bed is made and keep lighting low. Use a room spray which contains lavender to give you an olfactory boost and try a white noise machine to stop your mind from ticking over instead of relaxing.

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