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Tips for dealing with a festive hangover

Last week we shared some delicious Christmas cocktails, which we hope you have made and enjoyed.

We did say it is a good idea to drink responsibility, so today we have a guide to keeping those hangovers at bay during the party season, and what to do if things get a little too merry.

Let’s start at the beginning and look at exactly what a hangover is.

Hangovers are caused by drinking alcohol, a diuretic, which removes fluids from the body. When you drink too much booze this can lead to dehydration and leave you with a headache, dizziness and sickness. Too much alcohol can also upset your stomach, prevent you from sleeping and depending on how much you drink, traces of alcohol can remain in your system the next day.

We have put together some dos and don’ts that we hope will allow you to have a great time on the night, and will mean you won’t suffer too much the morning after.

Don’t ever drink on an empty stomach. Before you go out try to eat some carbohydrates as this will help slow down your body’s absorption of alcohol.

Don’t drink alcohol when you feel thirsty, instead have a glass of water to quench your thirst.

Also, don’t knock back a double vodka to give you dutch courage. This approach will, more often than not, mean the alcohol will hit your system faster, making you feel you drunk and potentially taking away inhibitions which can lead to a disaster!

Don’t leave your drinks alone. It is sad but true that people do spike them, so be safe.

If you are having a party, do serve healthy, soft drinks as well as jugs of water with ice and lemon.

Don’t mix your drinks, it will really hurt the next day.

Don’t take advantage of buy one get one free offers as this can get messy.

Don’t leave your friends and don’t get into an unlicensed cab.

Don’t go for dark-coloured drinks as they contain impurities, which can irritate blood vessels and brain tissue and make hangovers worse.

Do drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink.

Do drink at least a pint water before you go to be and do make sure you have a glass of water by your bed to drink during the night.

Don’t try the old adage ‘hair of the dog’ the next day. Drinking more alcohol will not help and can bring the hangover back, but worse.

If you wake up with a hangover do take over-the-counter tables to help ease the pain. Paracetamol-based products are preferable, as aspirin and ibuprofen can further irritate the stomach and increase sickness.

Do replace those lost fluids with water, coconut water and isotonic sports drinks.

Do limit your caffeine. Your body might be screaming for coffee but this will only aggravate hydration levels – so go for just one and leave it there.

Do have a shower and get dressed – it will make you feel more human.

Don’t skip breakfast as this will only make you feel worse. Nourishing food is the best way to replace the vitamins and minerals your body will have lost. Go for wholemeal toast with eggs and bacon and a glass of Vit C rich orange juice.

Don’t get in your car if you think you might still be over the limit.

This Christmas, do have fun, but don’t put you or others at risk by drinking too much.

Team Pure-Beauty

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