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What are the benefits of regular massage?

Contemporary lifestyles leave precious little time for rest and relaxation; whether our day is taken up with full time jobs, parenting, study or evening commitments, it is easy to forget to schedule down time into our daily routine. Financial pressures and a very British sense of soldiering on no matter what make it hard for busy adults to remember that all work and no play make Jack and Jacqueline very dull indeed!

The truth is that the rush and bustle of modern routines take quite a toll on our mind and body and coupled with the sedentary manner of office jobs, we end up physically and mentally stressed, with a strong sense of guilt about the impact it has on us. While it can feel hugely indulgent to spend on revitalising ourselves, it is money well spent to keep our body in tip top condition and mentally rejuvenated.

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Having a regular massage can make an amazing difference to our posture and back. If you spend your days sitting at a computer, neck and shoulder pain can result from an imperfect working position. Massage helps relieve tension and allows muscles to recover; since being in pain inevitably reduces productivity, a regular massage is likely to positively impact on your working week. Neck and shoulder pain often causes headaches which are debilitating and distressing and cause lapses in concentration, so caring for posture and muscle health is essential.

Physical touch is enormously beneficial to our sense of well-being and has a positive impact on anxiety and depression. Since both those issues can affect sleep and day to day focus, permitting yourself to make time for ‘me time’ and engaging a professional to administer a stress busting treat will be good for the soul as well as the body.

A whole body massage will include working on key areas of tension and soothing the stress that accumulates in the scalp, hands and even feet. Warm oils and hot stones are added to the treatments to give an exotic but calming experience that leaves you refreshed and ready to face the challenges of the coming weeks. Far from an over-indulgent treat, they are a highly affordable part of your personal care that will more than reward the time and expense in terms of the vitality it will bring to your life.

Last updated on 28/04/2015.

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